Join the network of Cross-Border Ambassadors
Are you between 18 and 30 years old and ready to contribute to a more cohesive and integrated Europe? Here is your chance to join the new initiative of the…
Have your PIC number ready and apply!
The new call “Youth4cooperation: the future of cooperation” is now open for proposals! This call for proposals of the European Commission has the objective of selecting three beneficiaries which will…
Turning commitment to practice – Mission 1 in Budapest
Following the agreement reached at the First Macro-Regional Civil Agora in the Hungarian capital in December 2023 representatives of civil society organisations and local communities from the Danube (EUSDR) macro-region…
Macro-Regional Strategies promote Cohesion Policy
Commissioner Elisa Ferreira initiated the setting up of a High-Level Group on the Future of Cohesion Policy composed by representatives of academia, national, regional and local policitians, socio-economic partners and…
Jeanne Caverzasio from Switzerland: Young generations want to be involved and heard
“The fact that Youth Councils were created for the 4 macro-regional strategies is already a good sign, demonstrating that they actually want to involve young people. Being invited to this…
Civic and civil society engagement in Interreg
In the framework of the Interact programme, an interesting report has recently been published which focuses on how to strengthen civil and social society involvement in European interregional cooperation. The…
EU Disability Card issued and renewed free of charge
Negotiators from the European Parliament and the Council reached a provisional agreement on the EU Disability Card and the EU Parking Card for persons with disabilities. The directive aims to…
Easier access to EU funding for rural areas thanks to EU Rural Toolkit
The European Commission launched a new interactive guide mapping all funding opportunities available at EU level for rural areas. The Rural toolkit gathers funding opportunities from 26 different EU funds,…
Life in Brussels beyond the EU bubble
Like many people who end up calling Brussels their home away from home, I had only planned to stay for 3 months when I first arrived in this cute northern…
A belgák hogy csinálják?
MeghívóTalálkozó Jeroen Vergeylen úrral, Belgium magyarországi nagykövetével „És mi belgák hová álljunk? – jól ismerjük ezt a vicces kérdést (aki nem, annak majd elmondjuk a történetét), mely hűen tükrözi Belgium…