An alternative positive voice. The citizens’ Shadow Report project
The Shadow Report project is an initiative of civil society organisations from AT, DE, DK, HU, IT, PL, RO, SK and SI to prepare an implementation report on EU macro-regional policies from a citizens’ perspective.
It gives us pleasure to invite you to the next phase of the Shadow Report project takig place in an online form between 10:00-12:00 (CEWT) on Thursday, 25 November 2021. We will have genuine voices not only from the EU Alpine macro-region but well beyond it makig our consultation more inclusive and thought-provoking.
Be part of our still ongoig creative process leading to a unique civil society product, the Shadow Report and contribute to the text of our reflection document!
Please register to the event here: https://forms.gle/21jZHnwz13XVcgWS6
The zoom link to the event will be sent to registered participants on 24 November 2021.
online, 10:00-12:00, CEWT, Thursday, 25 November 2021
Moderator: Ms Christiana PORDES, President, The World of NGOs, Austria
10:03 | Setting the scene Mr Miklos BARABAS, Director, European House Budapest, Coordinator of the Shadow Report project |
10:10 | In search of new solutions Macro-regional strategies and the Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council Mr Emil FERJANCIC, Deputy National Coordinator, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Slovenia |
10:25 | Youth dynamism beyond borders Ms Neza REPANSEK, National Youth Council of Slovenia, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee |
10:40 | Questions and contributions |
11:00 | The myth and reality of an Alpine feeling – A view from Lugano Mr Filippo LOMBARDI, Politician, The Municipality of Lugano |
11:15 | A success story or a lost case? Citizens and the Conference on the future of Europe Mr Maarten DE GROOT, Co-lead, Inclusiveness Task Force, Citizens Take Over Europe |
11:30 | A special contribution Ms Darja SEKULA KRSTIC, Nefiks, Slovenia |
11.35 | Questions and contributions |
11:50 | Reflections Mr Johan MAGNUSSON European Commission DG REGIO (Unit D.1 – Macro-regions, Transnational, Interregional Cooperation, IPA, Enlargement) |
11:58 | Conclusions and closing |
The event is part of the „An alternative positive voice. The citizens’ Shadow Report project” and co-funded by the European Union.