Greenland does not want to become the 51st state of the US
A completely independent Greenland could be an option, but only in the long run, and it would take lots of resources – this was one of the main conclusions of…
REGI Committee holds a debate with Commissioner Fitto on the future of the cohesion policy
The Committee on Regional Development (REGI) of the European Parliament (EP) had a debate with Raffaele Fitto, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms at its meeting on 28 January 2025. Responding…
Reporting for a sustainable Adriatic region: Grant opportunity for journalists
What are the biggest threats facing the Adriatic marine environment today? How can illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing, pollution, and coastal development be addressed? These are some of the…
EESC Opinion on the Arctic
The EU’s latest policy strategy for the Arctic was published in October 2021, presenting a comprehensive response to the region’s rapidly evolving challenges. The strategy aimed to preserve the Arctic…
From Budapest to Brussels: The Second Macro-Regional Citizen Agora
The Second Macro-Regional Citizen Agora was held on 17 December 2024 in Brussels in partnership with the European Economic and Social Committee. The Agora was the concluding event of the…
Commission registers European Citizens’ Initiative on the renovation of buildings
The European Commission registered a European Citizens’ Initiative, entitled ‘HouseEurope! Power to Renovation’. The aim of the initiative is to create incentives for the renovation and transformation of existing buildings.…
Security, Europe!
Donald Tusk outlined in the European Parliament his goals for Poland’s EU Presidency and the country’s “Security, Europe!” strategy. The Polish prime minister’s speech received some warm applause for his…
Greenland from a citizen perspective
INVITATIONto an online information session In focus: Greenland from a citizen perspectiveTuesday, 28 January 2025, 15:00-16:00 hours (CET) Due to obvious reasons Greenland unexpectedly has became an unfolding to story…
Csökkenti a csomagolási hulladék mennyiségét az új EU-szabályozás
Új szabályokat fogadott el az EU-ban keletkező hulladék mennyiségének csökkentése és az újrahasználat növelése érdekében az unió fő döntéshozó szerve, a Tanács. A rendeletnek köszönhetően sokkal kevesebb csomagolási hulladék keletkezik…
36 ezer ingyenes InterRail-bérletet osztanak szét, 787-et magyar fiataloknak
Az Európai Unió ingyenes InterRail-bérleteket biztosító, úgynevezett DiscoverEU-programja keretében idén tavasszal 35 762 európai, köztük – kvóta alapján – 787 magyar fiatal kap ingyenes európai vonatbérletet. Az EU Erasmus+ program…