An EU macro-regional civil strategy in the making
Rome, 23 June 2023

A preparatory event for stakeholders from the EU Strategy of the Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR)

Building on the positive results of our Shadow Report project, the intention is to contribute to better decision-making through joint efforts of civil society organisations assisted by institutionalised citizens’ dialogue across macro-regions. Four preparatory events are organised during the year in the four macro-regions leading to a citizens’ agora in Budapest in December. The first meeting covering the Danube macro-region was successfully held in Vienna on 14 April, and the one in Rome will be followed with a preparatory event for the EUSALP in Munich in September and for the EUSBSR in Stockholm in November. A challenging but rewarding task!

10:00-15:00 hours
23 June 2023 

The event takes place in Spazio Europa,
managed by the European Parliament Office in Italy and by the European Commission Representation in Italy 
Via IV Novembre n°149 – 00187 Roma  

The draft programme of the event is available here. The Concept Note for the discussion is available here.

Registration to the event

In the meantime, please have your say, send your answers to our questions and contribute to a macro-regional civil strategy. You can reply just one question or answer all of them. Every opinion counts!

The questionnaire is available here

Stay tuned and join us in making a meaningful citizen contribution to the EU macro-regional strategies.

The event is co-funded by the European Union