’An alternative positive voice. The citizens’ shadow report’ project
12:00-13:00 (CET), Tuesday, 27 October 2020
An EU macro-regional strategy is a policy framework which allows countries located in the same region to jointly tackle and find solutions to problems or to better use the potential they have in common. By doing so, they benefit from strengthened cooperation, with the aim of making their policies more efficient than if they had addressed the issues in isolation. As of today we have four macro-regional strategies: the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (2009); the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (2010); the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (2014); and the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (2015).
Although the macro-regional strategies are government-led initiatives, all stakeholders agree that they can only be successful with the involvement of local actors, including civil society.
’An alternative positive voice. The citizens’ shadow report’ project is initiated by European House with the involvement of eight other CSOs from several member states active in the field of European cooperation and regional development and builds on the potential of the value-added nature of civil society in shaping and implementing macro-regional strategies.
You are invited to join us to our online kick-off meeting focusing on the possible synergies among macro-regions.
12:00-13:00 (CET), Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Introductory presentation by
Mr Anders Bergström
Policy Area Coordinator PA Education and Horizontal Action Coordinator HA Capacity
EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, Norden Association in Sweden
Mr Miklós Barabás
Director, European House (Hungary) /Danubiana Network
Mrs Christiana Pordes
Director, The World of NGOs (Austria)
If you are interested to attend please register at
The link to registered participants will be sent on Monday, 26 October 2020.
The project is supported by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union.