What future do we see for Europe? What are the perspectives of young people in the European Year of Youth 2022 and beyond? What do we cook in sorrow?
These are some of the questions addressed by our guests of the
online information session titled „Cook in Sorrow” (11INFO22498)
organised within the European Week of Regions and Cities 2022
between 9:30-10:30 (CET) on Tuesday, 11 October 2022.
Our guests:
Eugenia Kuznetsova,
young author, translator and reseacher from Ukraine, nominee for the EU Prize for Literature 2022
Stefano Ingallina,
coordinator, Youth Section of the European Movement Italy
Magda Leszczyna-Rzucidło, Director, Baltic Institute for Regional Affairs, Gdansk, Poland
Miklos Barabas, Director, European House Budapest, Hungary
Join is to discuss the pivotal role what culture can play in promoting citizens’ engagement and intergenerational dialogue in times of crisis and the perspectives of European cooperation in turbulent times.