First Macro-Regional Citizen Agora
Budapest, 7-8 December 2023
After four preparatory meetings in the macro-regions (Vienna for the Danube, Rome for the Adriatic and Ionian, Lyon for the Alpine and Stockholm for the Baltic Sea Region) we will have the concluding event of the current phase of our „Stronger.Together – the magic of macro-regions 2023” programme. It takes the form as the First Macro-Regional Citizen Agora and will be held in Budapest, Hungary on 7-8 December 2023. Your host, the European House Budapest is pleased to invite you to attend it.
As you can see from the draft programme our aim is to approve the result of our joint work, a proposal for an EU macro-regional civil strategy served by an open collaborative arrangement, by a macro-regional civil network.
We will continue our work in 2024 in the form of a pilot project and we use our Budapest meeting to collect place-based citizens’ initiated ideas for a rich and well-balanced workplan for next year.
With this new initiative we intend to contribute to a fully democratic and resilient Europe based on the creative and meaningful participation of citizen organisations, local communities and other interested partners across the macro-regions.
Please fill-in the registration form not later than 25 November 2023 if you are interested to attend.
The Stronger.Together – the magic of macro-regions programme of the European House Budapest is co-founded by the European Union.