This is Mission 3, a promising event of a series of activities covering the four EU macro-regions where civil society representatives from the Adriatic-Ionian (EUSAIR) macro-region and beyond come together in Zagreb to put into practice their commitment to strengthen macro-regional cooperation with a bottom-up approach.
The event is part of our ongoing efforts to bring together CSOs from the four macro-regions to promote cooperation and identify common areas of action and responses to challenges. Followed by Mission 1, a similar event for the Danube (EUSDR) macro-region in February in Budapest and Mission 2, an event for the Alpine (EUSALP) macro-region on 3 May 2024 in Lyon, the Zagreb meeting, held during the Croatian EUSAIR Presidency brings a new dimension to the debate by bringing the specificities of the Adriatic-Ionian region.

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