The European Week of Sports take place between 23 and 30 September across Europe and beyond.

In 2024 the programme wants to promote the EU values and the values of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

In 2024 these are the priorities:

1 Inclusion: sport is for everybody!

Sport is not just for athletes.

You can take part regardless of your fitness level or background. Sport is inclusive and does not discriminate. No matter your gender, age, abilities, religion, ethnicity, education, or sexual orientation: sport is for everyone! 

2 Well-being: a step toward happiness

Sport boosts self-esteem and promotes better health.

Physical activity helps personal improvement and enhances overall well-being. When you play sports, you look good and feel good!

3 Belonging: we are a community

Sport offers life opportunities and brings generations together. 

Everyone maintains their individuality while also sharing the EU and Olympic values of kindness, respect, and solidarity. Physical activity is a one-way ticket to socialisation and love for a more sustainable existence, both on a social and environmental level.

Check what’s going on near you or share the news of your own event here