Organised by the European Commission (DG Regio and DG Mare) the EU Macro-Regional and Sea Basin Strategies Days will take place in Brussels on 12-14 June 2024.

Within its framework and at the initiative of European House Budapest a civil society workshop will be organised between 14:00-15:30 hours on Wednesday, 12 June 2024. Taking place shortly after the 2024 EP elections, the workshop offers an opportunity for civil society representatives and other stakeholders to discuss how to enhance their systemic participation in the Strategies.

On the basis of their good practices a set of recommendations for concrete actions will be discussed, European House Budapest will present the first results of a new collaborative framework, the macro-regional civil network.

Speakers include Stefano Palmieri (European Economic and Social Committee, Group II, Italy), Krisela Hackaj (Cooperation & Development Institute, Albania), Thomas Keuten (EUSALP Youth Council, Germany), Anders Bergström (EUSBSR Annual Forum 2024 Coordinator, Sweden) and Miklos Barabas (European House Budapest, Hungary). The workshop will be moderated by Gaby Hagmüller, Programme Manager Cross-border Cooperation, DG Regio.

If you are interested to attend this in-person only event (and other programmes of the Strategic Days) please register on the following link Macro-Regional & Sea Basin Strategies Days 2024 ( The password is: strategiesdays2024. Registration is open until Sunday, 2 June 2024.